Our Mission Statement

"Teach the children with all the kindness and gentleness possible"
Marie Madeleine 1837

Catholic Social Teaching

Catholic Social Teaching


The children, staff and Governors at FCJ Primary School value Catholic Social Teaching and work together to prompt the key principles within our school community.

At the core of Catholic Social Teaching (CST) are a number of key concepts and principles. These are:

    • Human Dignity
  • Community and Participation
  • Rights and Responsibility
  • Help the Poor and Vulnerable
  • Dignity and Rights for Workers
  • Solidarity
  • Stewardship


At FCJ Primary School, CST is taught as a discrete unit of the Religious Education Curriculum. However, it’s principles are embedded within our whole curriculum and into the ethos of our school. The principles of CST link directly to the FCJ Core Values of Companionship, Hope, Justice, Dignity, Gentleness and Excellence.

As a FCJ school, our lessons can be planned around the Ignatian pedagogical paradigm. This is a way of learning and a method of teaching taken from the Spiritual Exercises of Ignatius of Loyola. The three main elements are Experience, Reflection, and Action. As FCJ educators, we will make specific links to CST within our lessons where appropriate. The structure of our lessons enable pupils to have time to reflect and then feel moved to take action.



We are beautifully made in the image and likeness of God.


“Before I formed you in the womb, I knew you”.

Jeremiah 1:5


Each of us is made in God’s image. Every person has an innate human dignity no one can take away. Our common humanity requires that we respect and uphold the dignity of each human being. Everything else flows from this dignity.

What we do at FCJ Primary School:

  • We ‘live’ our School’s Vision.
  • Our mission statement is “Teach the children with all the kindness and gentleness possible.”
  • We ‘live’ our FCJ Core Values of Companionship, Hope, Dignity, Justice, Gentleness and Excellence.
  • We teach about other faith traditions within the RE lessons.
  • We welcome new children and families. Our tailored transition programme allows new pupils to settle into new routines and expectations.
  • We pray for those in need within our local community and from around the world.
  • We celebrate success and achievements inside and outside of school in our school assemblies.
  • We celebrate our different talents from all areas of the curriculum.
  • We offer a wide variety of extra-curricular clubs offering opportunities for pupils to develop their unique talents and interests.



We are called to work for the good of each and of all.

“So we, who are many, are one body in Christ, and individually we are members one of another.”

Romans 12:5


The common good is about respecting the rights and responsibilities of all people and leaving no one behind. Our actions have an impact on everyone. When we make decisions, we should consider the good of all.

What we do at FCJ Primary School:

  • We support CAFOD, the Grace Trust and the St Vincent De Paul organisation.
  • We are a Gold Rights Respecting School.
  • We learn about the UNCRC each week in a class assembly.
  • The FCJ Charity Committee work to organise charity events to support others (e.g. NSPCC, Children In Need and Red Nose Day).
  • We donate to local food banks during Advent.
  • We pray for the local and global community at our school Masses.
  • We donate shoeboxes to the Mustard Seed Jersey Christmas appeal.
  • We support the work of the Knights of Columba.
  • Our School Development Squad ensure pupil voice is represented and valued.



We can be God’s instruments of peace through seeking justice.

‘…those who promote peace have joy.’

Proverbs 12:20


Peace is not just the absence of war. It is part of God’s nature, and a value we should all seek to live out in our daily lives. Peace comes from both justice and love and is dependent upon people understanding one another.


What we do at FCJ Primary School:

  • We take part in Anti-Bullying and e-safety weeks.
  • We pray for our global neighbours in class liturgies and whole school Masses.
  • We are taught that our actions and words are an example to others.
  • Our Year 5 and 6 ambassadors support younger pupils at playtimes.
  • We campaign for important issues, linked to the Rights of the Child (UNCRC).
  • We have a behaviour policy which is built upon restorative practice.



The needs of the poor and vulnerable should be put first.


‘Learn to do good; seek justice, rescue the oppressed, defend the orphan, plead for the widow.’

 Isaiah 1:17


A preferential option for the poor means that we think first about the needs of those who are the most vulnerable. Jesus taught that when we feed the hungry, welcome the stranger, clothe the naked, look after the sick and visit those imprisoned, we are looking after Him.


What we do at FCJ Primary School:

  • The FCJ Charity Committee work to organise charity events to support others (e.g. NSPCC, Children In Need and Red Nose Day).
  • We pray for those in need in our class liturgies and whole school Masses.
  • We donate to local food banks during Advent.
  • We hold themed days to raise awareness and money (e.g. Ukraine).
  • We donate shoeboxes to the Mustard Seed Jersey Christmas appeal.
  • Our staff have supported Mustard Seed by packing aid for Ukraine and Romania.
  • Our older pupils send cards and letters to local care homes.






We all have the right and duty to participate fully in society.


“When each separate part works as it should, the whole body grows and builds itself up through love.”

Ephesians 4:16


We live in community with others, growing together. We are called to be active participants in all that we do. We have a responsibility to be inclusive so that we allow all people to participate.


What we do at FCJ Primary School:

  • We are polite and attentive to special guests and visitors.
  • We say each other’s names when we greet each other.
  • Our pupils will greet the adults who visit their classroom.
  • We support staff through training.
  • We encourage past pupils to return for work experience/teacher training.
  • We support staff members going through challenging times through prayer and actions.
  • We treat everyone in our school as family.
  • Our School Development Squad ensure pupil voice is represented, valued and listened to.



God created us as one global family called to support our brothers and sisters.


‘… all of you are one in Christ Jesus.’

Galatians 3:28


Being in solidarity is recognising others as our brothers and sisters and actively working for their good. We are connected to people and places all over the world.


What we do at FCJ Primary School:

  • Matt Bewers, our School’s CAFOD volunteer delivers themed workshops and assemblies.
  • We have weekly lessons around the Rights of the Child (UNCRC).
  • We turn off taps to show solidarity for those who do not have access to safe clean water.
  • We turn off unnecessary lights and computers to show solidarity for those hit hardest by climate change.
  • We have worn yellow and blue to show support and solidarity for the victims of war in Ukraine. We held a fundraising day for a local charity (Mustard Seed) to fund a playground for Ukrainian refugees
  • We supported our school community through the COVID-19 pandemic.
  • Our School Development Squad ensure pupil voice is represented and heard.




We are guardians of God’s creation, living sustainably and enhancing the wellbeing of our planet.



‘The Lord God took the man and put him in the garden of Eden to till it and keep it.’

Genesis 2:15


Stewardship is all about caring for the many gifts that God has given to us. These include our environment, our own talents and other resources. All living things are connected so we must use God’s gifts responsibly to meet the needs of everyone, now and in the future.


What we do at FCJ Primary School:

  • We have an Eco Warriors team.
  • We have Waste Free Wednesdays.
  • We try to recycle as much as we can at school and home.
  • We put litter in the bin.
  • We take care of our school grounds.
  • We turn off taps, lights and computers when they are not in use.
  • We have paper recycling in each classroom.