Our Mission Statement

"Teach the children with all the kindness and gentleness possible"
Marie Madeleine 1837


Learning to read, write and communicate effectively are the most important things children will learn at primary school and here at FCJ we have high expectations in these areas for all of our pupils.

We teach English through whole-class English lessons, small group tasks and individual work with adult support to guide and model. Our curriculum is built around studying quality texts that the staff use to craft lessons specifically around the language, meaning and plot provided by the author, discussing how we can use these skills to guide and develop our own writing, thus becoming young authors ourselves.

Throughout our lessons at FCJ we focus on all areas of the National Curriculum – Spoken Language, Reading and Writing. We understand the vital importance of spoken language and oracy in our pupils’ development. Right across the curriculum, there are opportunities for children to talk and share their ideas as this is an important way in which pupils develop their vocabulary and secure a deeper knowledge of a subject. Children are continually challenged to elaborate and explain clearly their understanding and use precise language to explore ideas further.

One of the most important aspects of school life is the teaching of reading, both the technical aspects of decoding language which starts when the children enter our EYFS community, and developing the ability to understand complicated texts which is our main focus in KS1 and KS2. It is vital that every child learns to be a competent, confident reader if they are to access the wider curriculum and ultimately achieve well in later life. We hope that through inspirational English teaching and a school culture that values reading, we can help every child develop a love of books thus enabling them to become lifelong readers.

It is our intention that by Year 1 every child will have consolidated their Phase sounds as outlined by the National Curriculum. To support this intention, we have introduced our English awards system where the children receive a badge to celebrate their attainment in this area. This system continues throughout the school where the children are able to work towards earning their Bronze, Silver and Gold Badges. They can do this as they progress through their school life here at FCJ, by learning to read and spell specific words laid out by the National Curriculum as well as words that contain the specific spelling rules for their year groups. With this initiative, the children are challenging themselves to strive for excellence as well as supporting each other to achieve and celebrating when they do.

At FCJ, we want all children to be able to write clearly, accurately and coherently with the ability to adapt their language and style to a range of contexts, purposes and audiences. Learning to employ these elements will give  children control over their writing, making it easier for them to communicate their meaning clearly. The teaching of specific language features is done through direct instruction from teachers, but will be embedded as part of the writing process rather than simply as discrete activities. Within the lessons,  the children are continually exposed to the technical language of grammar and punctuation in line with the requirements of the 2014 National Curriculum and they are encouraged to use these terms when discussing reading texts or their own written compositions. 

Whilst teaching composition at FCJ, we follow a five-step writing process, which enables the children to become confident writers. The steps are:          

Reading  model texts and identifying text features, 


Drafting and Writing, 

Evaluating, Improving and Editing 

Publishing either by writing up or sharing verbally.

Through this process, we teach children to become authors, selecting their words precisely and using their writer’s voice to match their intended purpose and audience, drawing them in and captivating them. We have been using the “Writing Rainbow,” to help the children to really focus on areas in their writing, honing in on certain language use, emotions, sentence types or language for effect. 


The children here at FCJ enjoy developing their skills in this area of the curriculum, proud to share their written work, reading and spoken activities with others as well as striving for excellence on a day to day basis.